Construction Industry Resources - Find residential and commercial roofing contractors, home builders, home improvement contractors, building materials, supplies and manufacturers.

Construction Industry Directory - - Find Local Directory is a Home Improvement Construction Industry Directory with focus on Green Home Improvements and Energy Efficient Retrofits. Home owners can find contractors by zip code and trade speciality, as well as browse Geo-targeted categories to narrow down their search to a specific city and state locale.

Home Remodeling - Directory of remodeling contractors and home improvement construction companies. - Directory of contractors and home service companies. The site is designed to connect consumers with professional contractors. - Home Remodeling Magazine and Home Living Inspiration Ideas resource. - Offers home remodeling ideas including basement, kitchen and bathroom remodeling tips for home owners.

Green Building and Metal Roofing

US Green Building Council - Provides information about green building, sustainable construction, and LEED accreditation in the US. - Informational resource dedicated to educating homeowners about pros and cons of residential metal roofing.

MetalRoofs.Info - Educates homeowners metal roofing including information about costs, pros and cons, steel shingles, standing seam, copper, and provides advice on how to install metal roofing do it yourself way.

Green Home Improvements - Information - Provides practical tips and advice for people interested in adopting Green Living lifestyle, Green Home Tips, and Renewable technology integration for residential homes. - Provides information about green home building methods and techniques including earth-friendly home construction.